OK, here is my links page with a short description for each:
Richard Stern Training
(my coaching group)
Specialist Cycling & Training Forums:
The Wattage Forum

The original and the best. This is where the leaders in
training and racing with power will be found.
Cycling Forums cycle training forum.

A mine of information including the famous
"It's killing me..." thread.
Cycling Forums power training forum.

Another mine of information, specifically
on the topic of training with power.
Fixed Gear Fever

Especially for all the track and
fixed gear specialists.
Timetrialling Forum

A predominantly UK based forum
dedicated to all things TT
(and a few that aren't).
Bike Radar

Various cycling & training forums
Wattage Training

A new forum for power meter users.
Information about Training with Power:
Understanding Power by Ric Stern
Learn about MAP Tests and using
power in training
Training Peaks Power 411.
The items on training with power
is a valuable resource.
Train with Power
A quick reference site with lots of
additional links and references
Analytic Cycling
The place to go for working out the
equations for cycling...
e.g how much power is required to
ride up a 6% grade at 20km/h?
Cyclefit Centre
The experts on issues relating to
fitting bicycles to people.
Lots of very helpful articles here.
Cycling News.
Nothing fancy, just crammed
full of news every day.
Cycle Sport News
A new news site, Australian based
with world coverage of many cycling disciplines.
A nice alternative, with plenty content.
Understanding Power by Ric Stern

Learn about MAP Tests and using
power in training
Training Peaks Power 411.

The items on training with power
is a valuable resource.
Train with Power

A quick reference site with lots of
additional links and references
Analytic Cycling

The place to go for working out the
equations for cycling...
e.g how much power is required to
ride up a 6% grade at 20km/h?
Cyclefit Centre
The experts on issues relating to

fitting bicycles to people.
Lots of very helpful articles here.
News sites:

Nothing fancy, just crammed
full of news every day.

A new news site, Australian based
with world coverage of many cycling disciplines.

A nice alternative, with plenty content.
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