Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hurry up and wait

So, what's new in the world of Alex?

After all the fun and games of my bad back, trips to the hospital and a false start at work, I was finally upright again and able to do a few things. While I gradually gained confidence in walking around again, it was very clear that my ill fitting prosthetic, otherwise known as "Schooner", was causing some difficulty, discomfort and frequent pain. Anything more than a short walk was too much.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

bon anniversaire

11 April 2008.

Exactly one year since my accident.

Not that I'm being overly reflective about it all but I thought I'd at least mark the date with a post. It's been a hell of a ride since then but I have much to be grateful for and so much good stuff in life out in front of me. Roll on 2008.

So what else is new (or old)?

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